Hope Church

Bainsford : Falkirk

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Most webmail sites are poorly written, and many have difficulty with email lists. Hotmail's webmail in particular has been seen to do a variety strange things to email list addresses, such as insert double quotes, line feeds and spaces around addresses, thus invalidating the address. Yahoo and Gmail webmails are somewhat better.

Email lists pre-date webmail or web forums, and are provided primarily to show advertisements, as the operators worship the money idol and seek to make merchandise of their unsuspecting users.

At an IT level, web and mail go together like oil and water as they are totally different protocols, each created to get a single job done. Use the right tool for the job to be more productive, reduce stress, and be happier.

To permanently solve the above problems, its very easy to use email client software.

Generally speaking (apart from Hotmail), Thunderbird is the best. For common email accounts, it auto configures itself based on the email address. SO VERY EASY. Download it freely. Works on Windows, Mac, Linux, BSD, Solaris, UNIX, OS/2, etc, etc....

Of special interest to Hotmail users, Windows usually has Windows Live Mail (or Outlook [Express]) installed.
Go to Start —> All Programs —> Windows Live —> Windows Live Mail.
Add your email account.

Mac users have Mac Mail on iPhone, iPod, iPad and the full desktop, which can also be set up in a few clicks.

Need personal help? Contact: postmaster@Hope-Church-Falkirk.Org.UK